The Academic Year
The academic year is divided into three terms. Within each term there are times for regular instructions, revisions and examinations. During the period of regular instructions, students learn new material in each of their subjects, following the pacing charts set by the management. Revision time is also planned and paced, revision is comprehensive but selective; usually two weeks revision is managed before the start of 1st and 2nd term examinations whereas three week revision is done before the start of Annual Examinations.
Planning and Preparing
We believe that thorough planning precedes effective teaching. Therefore, a detailed but comprehensive study plan for each subject at each level is prepared. Each plan includes:
- What is to be taught?
- When is to be taught?
- How is to be taught?
- How is to be evaluated?
The most important feature of the planning is that each plan for each stage dovetails with that of the following stage, ensuring that nothing essential to further learning is omitted, and enabling the transitions from year to year to be smooth and successful.
Teaching Methods
Varied teaching methods are used inside the classroom in order to sustain interest of students. The salient features of our teaching methods are:
- Learner Centred Approach
- Activity Based Teaching
- Group Work / Pair Work
- Oral / Written Work
Above all, class time is utilized by building solid foundations of knowledge through interacting, analyzing, forming and expressing opinions, and through effective discussions. Discussions are based on critical thinking and logical reasoning.
Character Building and Personality Development
Being the followers of the mission of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, we emphasize on character building and personality development through a well defined “Akhlaqiat Syllabus”. We believe that without the grooming of personalities, getting mastery over academics and sports in not enough. Winning of certificates, trophies and shields would be meaningless for the students if they fail to develop human virtues. For this purpose, we have devised syllabus on Character Building and Personality Development and implemented this syllabus at every level accordingly. The salient features of this syllabus are:
- To involve teachers in the process of grooming of personalities through definitive guidelines regarding behaviorism and mannerism.
- To develop respect for religious and moral values in a convincing manner.
- To develop sense of responsibility among students to have respect & care for every person irrespective of his/her status in order to lead them towards better human being.
Rigorous Scheme for Evaluation
Continuous evaluation of student learning is an integral part of the instructional process at AGPS. Testing to evaluate student learning and permitting timely positive intervention is the Hallmark of the process of evaluation. In this regard, in addition to end of term examinations, students are tested during the term through periodic tests on monthly and weekly basis.
Testing students in this way has a number of very important advantages.
- Students prepare to perform well under the pressure of time constraints.They develop the ability to organize available time well, and they learn to control themselves.
- Students develop the ability to focus and sustain concentration for longer periods.
- The feedback from testing allows close monitoring and follow-up.
Follow up
The progress of each student is continuously followed and remedial classes are arranged as and when required in order to support students’ Academic lapses.
Internal Examinations
Students appear for internal examinations at the end of each term at the and end of Academic Year. In addition to these exams, students take monthly tests. Moreover, students in higher classes may also be required to appear for Re-take and / or Make-up examinations. All examinations are closely proctored.
Monthly Tests
Monthly Tests are taken in each subject on monthly basis. The series of tests is administered over a period of one week in order to monitor student learning, comprehension of lesson and the pace of progress.
Re-take Examinations
Students, who do not master the basic essential concepts, thus fail to acquire the required percentage, are directed to re-study the relevant essential concepts and appear for another examination at the direction of the administration.
Students ‘Progress Reports
During Academic year, parents receive reports at the end of each term and monthly tests. The report for each of the first two terms is an in-depth record of performance over the term. The final end-of-year report shows performance over the entire school year. It also includes important information related to promotion